This week we’re going to continue our 10 steps. Have you all Brainstormed an idea?
Come up with Objectives, Resources, and have a formulated idea, ready to go on a topic?
Great! Then let’s jump into the next step…
Step 2: Research
The best way to start researching a subject is to think about your own relevant experiences and ask your friends and relatives about theirs. Other research sources include:
Print & Digital Print: Newspapers and magazines, the Internet (Be careful of gathering accurate facts on a subject when using the Internet) professional journals, books and textbooks, grant proposals, dissertations, brochures, annual reports, ads, promotional materials, and curriculum guides.
Visual: Photographs and paintings.
Media: Televisions, radio shows, other videotapes or slide shows, archival films, and home movies.
Interviews: Interviews with experts on the subject, or with people who have had relevant experiences.
Visits: Visits to places and events associated with the subject.
People: Who will be the most effective people to present your information and ideas? Who knows the subject well? Who can present it in a moving or entertaining way?
If you are making the videotape with someone else who knows the subject, ask that person to guide your research. What are the most informative books? Who are the most informative people? Are there files you can search? Can someone help select the most important materials from the files for you? If you’re not working with a knowledgeable person to guide you, try to enlist someone to fill that role.
Miscellaneous: Sources such as opinion surveys and transcripts of public testimony.
At some point, you must tell yourself you have done enough research and it’s time to start writing.
Your homework: Take the ideas you have brainstormed and begin researching. Once you have more knowledge on the topic/subject, it’s time to create an outline!